Nelson Nash Quotes
Nelson Nash is an author and financial advisor who is known for developing the infinite banking concept, where practiioners use whole life insurance policies to self finance their life, and largely avoid the public banking system.
- Full name: Robert Nelson Nash (often referred to as R. Nelson Nash)
- Born: 15 March, 1931. Died: 27 March 2019
- Graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.S. in Forestry in 1952
- 35 years experience as a life insurance agent
- Nelson was inducted as a Hall of Fame Member by Equitable, a Chartered Life Underwriter
More info about Nelson Nash:
- Infinitebanking.org
- Book: Becoming Your Own Banker
- Example of a practioner of Infinite Banking Concept: LivingWealth.com
- Nash's obitbuary
- Nelson Nash / Infinite Banking Memes
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Nelson Nash Quotes:
“The very first principle that must be understood is that you finance everything you buy–you either pay interest to someone else or you give up interest you could have earned otherwise.”
“Play honest banker with yourself.”
“Don’t steal the peas.”
“The Infinite Banking Concept is an exercise in imagination, reason, logic and prophecy.”
“A legislature in some State tried to get the mathematical term “Pi”, changed from 3.1416 to 3.00 because it was too complicated and cumbersome! These demi-gods could not conceive that they were dealing with a fixed relationship that they could not change and have no authority over.”
“Take a pail of water to the seaside and heat it to 210 degrees Fahrenheit and all you have is very hot water. But if you heat it up to 212 degrees Fahrenheit you have live steam with unbelievable power!”
It never dawns on most financial gurus that you can control the financial environment in which you operate. Perhaps it is caused by lack of imagination, but whatever the cause, learning to control it is the most profitable thing you can do over a lifetime
“Creating a perpetual tailwind to everything you do in the financial world. This is the unique message of The Infinite Banking Concept.”
“Remember that there is only one pool of money out there in the world. The fact that any number of organizations or individuals are managing a portion of the pool is incidental.”
“Question: Who is the biggest thief in the world? If you answered the Internal Revenue Service you are correct! Most people have this feeling but lack the ability to explain that it is indeed, theft. I explain it this way. Let’s go to a shopping mall or some such place where there are lots of people to witness what I am about to do to you. At this point I pull out a gun and place it against your head and direct you to ‘give me the contents of your wallet or I will blow your brains out!’ I can predict with certainty that those who saw this act will describe it as theft–and call for my punishment. But–if you will allow me to gather that same crowd for about an hour before you show up–and let me talk to them about how we are going to divide the contents of your wallet and distribute among them–now they will call the act ‘democracy in action!’ “
“People just don’t play their proper role in the scheme of things. They have abdicated their opportunity/responsibility as it pertains to the banking function in the economy. They are depending on someone else to perform that job–and that character in the play is making most of the money!”
“Every time a person buys a life insurance policy he is starting a business from scratch.”
“The money problem. Only money left over after paying taxes can be spent. For the average person in the U.S., 34.5% of that sum goes to pay interest alone, to finance car purchases, homes, and various other purchases. This money is gone forever. It is making persons in the banking business wealthy. It can be yours to enrich your life forever–if you get into the banking business.”
“Your need for finance, during your lifetime, exceeds your need for life insurance protection. If you solve for you need for finance through life insurance cash values, you will end up with so much life insurance, you can’t get it past the underwriters. You will have to insure every person in which you have an insurable interest.”
“When government creates a problem and then turns around and creates and exception to the problem they created aren’t you just a little bit suspicious that you are being manipulated?”
“It is axiomatic that any government sponsored program will always accomplish the opposite of the stated intent. Check any of them out over an extended period of time and see for yourself. The most dangerous thing you can do with money is put it into government-sponsored schemes.